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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Small business owner and realtor rapidly approaching middle age. I have a beautiful, intelligent, patient and loving wife who's also my boss. My three boys (3, 7 & 9 keep me young at heart by constantly watching Star Wars & Dora the Explorer.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tower Grove living
When I spent the evening with my 2 boys last monday night, we decided to have a picnic dinner. The little guys love that kind of stuff. So I gave them the option of what park to go to and snuck in "do you want to go to the park that's by our new house?" So that's what we did.

Unfortunately it back-fired a bit.

The playground on the far east side of Tower Grove Park wasn't really all that cool in my oldest son's eyes. My 2 year old wasn't able to do much either. The park itself is spectacular, but getting the boys to appreciate it isn't that simple. If I had more time before it got totally dark, I would have tried to find the other playground pictured above. It's apparently more their speed.

To me it was sort of an attempt to explore the city with them.

Like a typical suburbanite, I've really never done a whole lot with my family in the city (they did LOVE the Hartford Coffee Company). My wife and I come in and work here. We dine and entertain ourselves here, but when it comes to our kids, they pretty much stay in the county.

More explorations will obviously be forthcoming.

Any parents out there with the scoop on playgrounds would be most appreciated.


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